Blog — Writing
5 Easy Ways to Beat Writer's Block
If authors were wizards, writer’s block would be Voldemort. You hear about it all the time, but you never fully understand its power until you’re stuck staring at that blank screen for hours on end.
So how do we break the block?
A WORD ON...thank you notes.
Thank you notes! Let's talk about them! It is my impression that some number of years ago, thank you notes were more prevalent than they are now. Before email was a big thing and back when letter-writing was a more popular way of communicating, thank you notes were more common. At least that's how I imagine it. But no matter how common or normal or expected it used to be to send thank you notes, it just isn't anymore. Sure, for big events like bridal showers, weddings and graduation parties, thank you's are still the polite thing to do. Thanks...